Thank You for your Gift

I would like to thank you and the Royal Canadian Logistic Association very very much. It has a special meaning for me and was an honour working with you and your colleges and to show you how grateful we still are to our liberating country.

It is a great honor for me to receive this, despite the fact that I have not  been able to do much for you in recent (COVID) years.

It was a pity that we missed each other during the parade in Wageningen on 5 May. But I was very busy with the organisation of Wageningen 45, compiling the Parade.

I hope you enjoyed your stay in the Hotel de Wereld.

Maybe you will be here again in 2025, the 80th anniversary of the liberation.

Everybody in the towns, and the city communities are already making plans to celebrate this 80th birthday.

Hope to see you soon.

Sincerely Gerard Hendriks