CDA Ottawa Conference Wrapup
Thank You all for joining us at the Ottawa Conference 2024.
The video feed is now available on CPAC for viewing & sharing here:
During the conference, we had the great pleasure to present the Ross Munro Award to Robert Fife, Ottawa Bureau Chief and Steven Chase, Senior Parliamentary Reporter with The Globe and Mail, as well sa the Nicola Goddard Award to Master Sailor (ret’d) Antoine Lavoie. Our sincerest thanks to the families of Ross Munro and Nichola Goddard for their continued engagement in the CDA’s awards programme, as well as to our Exclusive Awards and Recognition Partner Metro Supply Chain for their generous and longstanding commitment.
In addition, as part of the Ottawa Conference programming, we launched our Strategic Outlook 2024, co-authored by Colonel (ret) George Petrolekas and Ambassador Ferry de Kerckhove. The report provides a deep-dive into national and international threats, and Canada’s place in the world, and was recently featured in the Globe & Mail as a recommended reading:
“The world is growing more dangerous by the day, and Canada’s strategic challenges are multiplying. Making sense of that confusion is a tall order, but there is no better guide than the CDA Institute’s Strategic Outlook 2024, issued earlier this month.”

(C)2024 Richard Lawrence Photography

(C)2024 Richard Lawrence Photography
Media Highlights
CBC: As Bill Blair ramps up his warnings about the state of the military, Trudeau sticks to his script
Radio-Canada: L’armée en piètre état, le chef d’état major sonne l’alarme
Le Devoir: L’armée canadienne, l’armée en lambeaux
The Globe and Mail: Globe journalists Robert Fife, Steven Chase win Ross Munro Award https://www.theglobeandmail.
Reuters: Canada must spend ‘much more’ on military, defense minister says
CTV: Canada asking weapons-makers for plans to ramp up ammunition production