MWO Kenny Boudreau

After more than 21 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Canadian Armed Forces as a MSE Op, Master Warrant Officer (MWO) Kenny Boudreau will retire from the CAF on 28th July 2022.
Kenny, grew up in Dundee New-Brunswick, he swore his oath of allegiance and enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces on 23rd January 2001, as a Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op).
After completing both his basic training in St Jean QC and trades training, he was posted to CFB Petawawa from 2001 to 2005. While in Pet, he received a variety of qualifications and deployed to Afghanistan in 2003- 2004 and again in 2004-2005. Also, while in Petawawa, Kenny met the love of his life Anica. She was visiting her brother who happened to be a fellow trucker.
In 2005, Kenny was posted to Ottawa and able move closer to his wife to be. During this time he was employed as a VIP driver for several commands. This experience prepared Kenny when he was chosen to take a position in the Minister office employed as personal driver to the Minister of National defence. After five glorious years in Ottawa, and the birth of his 2 children, he was posted to CFB Borden. While sculpting the future of the trade, he taught on several QL3, QL5, Safety Supervisor courses to name a few, but his highlight was teaching the Basic and Advanced Evasive Driving Course and Evasive Driving Instructor Course.
In 2013, he was posted to 1 Service Battalion (1 Svc Bn), CFB Edmonton. At 1 Svc Bn he was initially employed with Supply and Transportation Company (S&T Coy) Field Platoon, where he managed the platoon’s Special Military Purpose (SMP) vehicle fleet and was employed as a Section Commander. There he completed numerous field exercises, worked in GPV as the Ops SGT and further to the Battalion Op and training cell. In 2016, MWO Boudreau returned to Ottawa where he spent 3 astonishing years at STRAT J4 TN. Kenny’s skills were also used to help develop and progress the MISL project, which will replace the FMS system nationally. In the summer of 2019, MWO Boudreau was promoted to his current rank and posted the following year to 19 Wing as the TN controller, at CFB Comox BC.
Kenny spent over 21 years working with and for some of the most professional members of the CAF and DND. He gained a great deal of knowledge of the administrative side of the military as well as met many new friends of whom he will never forget. He has been fortunate to have been exposed to so many different experiences, completed more courses and qualifications than he can remember and has had the privilege of working for and with so many great mentors and mentees throughout his years of service. There are so many people to mention and thank… Kenny would like to express his sincere gratitude and appreciation for all the support and camaraderie given over the duration of his 21 year career. Especially, he would like to thank both his sons, Nick and Alex and most of all his wife Anica for always being there with their support, encouragement and patience throughout the many moves, deployments and exercises while serving as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces.
MWO Boudreau plans to remain in the Comox Valley and is looking forward to spending some well-earned time with his spouse Anica, and kids. A small farewell will be held on 15 Aug 2022. Those interested in attending or sending well wishes can contact SGT (Colin) Sharpe, (