RCLS Integrator

Due to its size, structure, and complexity, managing the Logistics Service is challenging. As such, in order to ensure unity of effort across the Occupations and Environments, the Logistics Service requires the right governance framework and processes in order to ensure the successful production, development and sustainment of highly trained and motivated Logisticians. Effective Branch Governance is dependent upon key committees, councils and advisers, all operating with the view to achieve the Branch vision which is:

A Logistics Service that delivers world class sustainment to achieve operational and institutional excellence

Originally published in March 2010, the Logistics Service Governance Framework defines the relationships between senior leadership and advisers, with respect to the various councils, committees and working groups and their mandates.

Col. Judiesh

Colonel J.K. (Kent) Judiesch, CD Royal Canadian Logistics Service Integrator Raised in Vancouver BC, Colonel Kent Judiesch began his military career in the Army Reserve as an infanteer and logistics officer. During his university days, he was a member of 11 and 55 Service Battalions. He transferred to the Regular Force in 2000. As a junior logistics officer, Colonel Judiesch spent most of his time in Valcartier in a variety of leadership and staff positions and also deployed to Bosnia on Operation PALLADIUM. He commanded at both company and unit levels in Petawawa, and his last operational tour was as the Commanding Officer of the National Support Element and Senior National Representative in Camp Adazi, Latvia. He also has tours in Afghanistan and Cyprus. His key staff experience includes time spent in Land Force Atlantic Area Headquarters, Canadian Army Headquarters, the Strategic Joint Staff, and three separate postings to Director General Military Careers. Col Judiesch was promoted to his current rank and posted to DGMC as Director Military Careers Administration in 2021 and was posted to the Royal Canadian Logistics Service as the Integrator in 2022. Colonel Judiesch has a BA and MA in English Literature and is a graduate of the Joint Command and Staff Programme at Canadian Forces College. His wife is a college English instructor and they have two adult children who are attending university in Montréal and Waterloo

Read the full framework here.