TUDOR Frank Harry, Colonel, CD, (Ret’d), RCOC, Army Logistics

Harry, age 82, passed away 30 April 2016 after a short bout with cancer. A resident of Qualicum Beach, BC, he is survived by his wife, Betty and son Mike. Betty has advised that she wishes not to have any type of military funeral. She will be having a family and neighbours Celebration of Life at their home sometime in July. Friends are welcome to attend. Condolences may be sent through Yates Funeral Services, Parksville, BC at: www.yatesfuneral.ca .

Harry was a well respected officer, mentor and leader. All ranks who served with him speak highly of his influence, leadership and friendship experienced through service together at various locations in Canada and overseas including Egypt.  Of special importance to all Canadian military logisticians was his time spent as Commandant of the Canadian Forces School of Logistics and Administration (CFSAL), now named the Canadian Forces Logistics Training Centre (CFLTC). As stated by RCLSA NCR Chapter member, CAPT (N) Bob Mitchell: “Harry and I were a great team as commandant and chief instructor at CFSAL, and the good times I shall never forget. He was a great boss.”.

The President of RCLSA, Ian Nicholls, was able to communicate with Harry shortly before his death to pass on the sincere thoughts of all logisticians and to let him know that we were thinking of him.