The Royal Canadian Logistics Service Association (RCLSA) is your Association. It exists to further the interests of the Logistics Service. It promotes the interests and concerns of the Branch and regular force a members and retired folks are encouraged to join, become involved, and contribute towards the objectives. We consist of regular force members, some reservists, retired members, and civilians who are employed in logistics functions. Officers and NCMs have equal status. We are rejuvenating and bring the Logistics Family together again – wherever and whoever they are.

Board of Directors

Chair/RCAF RepCol (Retd) Mike Boomer to summer 2022
RCAF RepCWO (Retd) Daphne Germain to summer 2022
RCN RepCapt(N) (Retd) Louise Siew
RCN RepCPO1 (Retd) Jake McDavid to spring 2021
CA RepCol (Retd) Dave Erikson to summer 2022
CA RepCWO Dino Luberti to summer 2022
National PresidentMaj (Retd) John Page

National Executive

PresidentMaj (Retd) John Page
Vice-PresidentCol (Retd) Doug McCarthy
TreasurerLCdr (Retd) Richard Guitar to 31 Mar  21
National Book KeeperCWO (Retd) Mike Ingram to 31 Mar 21
Membership and AdminVacant
Communications and OutreachLCdr (Retd) Hal Pottle
WebmasterMaj (Retd) Barry Harris
Social MediaMWO Kelly Moore
Lest We ForgetCdr (Retd) Dick Duffield