COTTON, MARIE-FRANCE “MF”, Major, CD, Logistics, Personnel Administration

It is with deep sadness that her family announces the death of Major Marie-France “MF” Cotton, CD.  After a valiant fight, she passed away at the Ottawa General Hospital on 21 August 2015 surrounded by family and friends.  Marie-France is survived by her husband, PO2 Deven Stoyles CD and their children, Joshua and Sarah, as well as her mother, Thérèse, and her brothers, Pierre and Marc.

Marie-France enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 1988 as a Medical Assistant. After working at the Base and the Base Hospital in Valcartier, she was accepted as a Personnel Administration officer candidate and attended Collège Militaire Royale in Saint-Jean and the Université du Québec a Montréal.

Following employment in Saint-Jean and deployments to Haiti, Bosnia, and Cyprus as a Logistics officer, she was promoted to Major in 2006 and posted to Petawawa the following year, where she served in a number of positions including Deputy Commanding Officer of 2 Service Battalion and the Commanding Officer of Personnel Services, 4th Canadian Division Support Group.  Her last posting was to Military Personnel Command where she served with distinction as the Staff Officer to the Commander, Lieutenant-General Millar, who awarded her the Commander’s Commendation in June 2015.