HOWELL David James, Captain (Ret’d), MB, CD, RCASC

HowellDave passed away on 17 March 2019 in Kemptville, NS, his home town, after a long battle with several health issues. He was predeceased by his wife Doris and is survived by his sons Pete, Terry and Mike.

Dave’s military service included postings in Germany, Wainwright, CFSAL and the Airborne Regiment. It was while serving in an Airborne capacity that Dave received the Medal of Bravery, the last member of the Airborne Regiment to receive this medal which was presented to him on 3 December 1999. The commendation for the award reads as follows:
“On July 22, 1993, then MWO David Howell, the senior instructor present on Saville Farm Extraction Zone at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright in Alberta, rescued two men from a crashed Hercules aircraft. Warning others of the risk of an explosion, MWO Howell organized the rescue efforts and rode to the crash scene with an ambulance crew. Despite the fact that one engine was on fire, he entered the wreckage through a crawl place and rescued two badly injured victims. Although the fire had increased in size and fuel was pouring from one of the tanks, MWO Howell re-entered the plane to ensure that no one remained inside, then arranged for first aid to be administered to the injured.”

From Major (Ret’d) John Page, National President, RCLSA:
Dave was a good friend, trucker, leader, mentor and soldier. A true gentleman. We have lost another of the good ones. I last saw him at the RCASC Final National Reunion in August 2016. We had worked together on several files, including the download of MSE Controller functions on the Areas (now Divisions in the Army); soldiered in Germany and Wainwright together.